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This assignment is due before 03:00PM on Wednesday, February 5, 2020.

Create a simple hello response bot using the Alexa SDK : Assignment 1

The point of the first assignment is to get to acquainted with the Amazon Alexa SDK. The first step is to be able to integrate with Alexa SDK. This involves creating an AWS account and learning how to start up and integrate with AWS Lambda. This code will be the base for all of the interactions and it makes sense to start with a practical “hello world” or more precisely a response.

You should be excited about this assignment! You will be able to chat with your own bot!

The idea is to be able to chat with an Alexa enabled device. For example:

To Device: “Alexa, open Jowtest.” “Hi.” Device responds: “Hello.”

Be creative and have fun.

  1. Sign up for Amazon AWS. Note that you should to sign up with your account, and then sign up for AWS Educate. You will need your account ID, which you can find under “my account” from the AWS Admin Panel. This should give you a $100 credit that you will use for the third assignment when you train your first neural network. You will also get Free Tier access
  2. Figure out how to start a AWS Lambda session
  3. Follow the instructions from You may also find this guide from DeepPavlov useful. The main impediment is that you want to get the raw text and not use intent.
  4. Setup a minimalist python interface. One example to draw from is Use the python ASK to respond “Hello”.
  5. Create a mimic bot, so that if you say “I’m hungry” the device will respond “You said, “I’m hungry””
  6. [Extra Credit] Have fun and try something else that’s fun.

You should test your skill using

  1. You should have at least three files in the repository: ( and/or and interaction_model.json, as well as a for repro steps. Submit homework via GradeScope. For further inspiration and how to structure your code see Daphne Ippolito’s repo.